The BC Wolves brand and website ( belong to BC Wolves, VšĮ.

Contact details of the data controller: BC Wolves, VšĮ, company number 302685004, address: Ozo g. 14, LT-08200 Vilnius , +370 660 95494,

We process the personal data of visitors to in accordance with Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the GDPR, which repealed Directive 95/46/EC) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and apply the highest technical and legal protection standards and take all necessary measures to prevent possible violations of personal data protection.

This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Privacy Policy) sets out the basic rules for the collection, accumulation, processing and storage of your personal data, the scope, purposes, sources and recipients of the processed personal data, as well as your rights as a personal data subject. This information is important, so we hope you read it carefully.

The term "personal data" means any information related to you as a natural person – a data subject, whose identity is known or can be directly or indirectly determined by using certain data (for example, first name, surname, e-mail address, etc.)

If you have any questions related to this Privacy Policy or have any requests related to the processing of your personal data, please contact us:





This Privacy Policy applies to any service or activity provided by the website, during which personal data is processed.

The terms set out in the Privacy Policy apply every time you access the content and/or services we provide, regardless of the device (computer, mobile phone, tablet, TV, etc.) you are using.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to links to third-party websites, so we recommend that you read the personal data processing rules applicable to such websites separately.





When processing your personal data, we:

  • we will comply with the requirements of valid and applicable legal acts, including the GDPR;
  • we will process your personal data in a legal, fair and transparent manner;
  • we will collect your personal data for established, clearly defined and legal purposes and we will not continue to process it in a manner incompatible with those purposes, except to the extent permitted by legal acts;
  • we will take all reasonable measures to ensure personal data that is not accurate or complete, taking into account the purposes for which it is processed, is immediately corrected, supplemented, its processing is suspended or it is destroyed;
  • we will keep it in a form which permits identification of your personal data for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data is processed;
  • we will not provide personal data to third parties and will not disclose it, except for the cases specified in the Privacy Policy or applicable legal acts;
  • we will ensure that your personal data is processed in such a way that adequate security of personal data is ensured by applying appropriate technical or organizational measures, including protection against unauthorized or illegal processing of personal data and against accidental loss, destruction or damage.





Purpose of processing personal data.
Why do we process personal data?
Category of processed personal data.
What categories of personal data do we process?
Basis for lawful processing (Art. 6 of the GDPR).
On what legal basis do we process personal data?
Website administration.

When you visit our website, your browsing data and login data (IP address of the connecting device, login time, etc.) can be stored using cookies.

We use the essential technical cookies that are necessary for the website to function and/or third-party cookies to make your use of the website more convenient (when you visit, we want to provide content and functions that are tailored to your needs).

Data related to cookies and similar technologies is collected (processed) on the basis of Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR – on the basis of your consent, with the exception of essential cookies.

You can find more information about cookies in the Cookie Policy.

Processing and responding to your inquiries

You can contact us with any questions you may have through the contact details we have provided. Once we receive your request, we will review it and provide you with a response.

If you contact us by e-mail, by post or through the website, we can process your personal data: first name, surname, e-mail address, postal address and other information that you provide. Any correspondence with you is stored until the request is fully resolved and is stored for three months from the last letter/email.

If you contact us by phone, we will store the phone number from which you are calling. The storage duration is 6 months.

All personal data we receive when you submit a request to us by e-mail, post, phone or other means, is processed only for the purposes of administration of the request, in order to provide you with a response.

Such personal data is processed pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR on the basis of your consent. You express your consent to process personal data for the aforementioned purposes by submitting a request to us.

Sending newsletters, offers and other information related to our activities, organizing various contests, quizzes and votes (direct marketing)

If you agree to direct marketing offers, we will send an email to your e-mail address with a request to confirm your e-mail address.

After confirming the e-mail address, we will send you newsletters, information about basketball news, various offers, contests, invitations to vote, as well as offers of goods and services from our partners related to basketball, various promotions, etc.

When you participate in voting, we associate your vote with your e-mail address in order to determine more accurate voting results.

When you participate in promotions or games, and if there is a prize, we will inform you by personal message to your confirmed e-mail address if you win.

If we need additional personal data for the purpose of organizing the game, announcing the winner or transferring the prize, or we want to transfer your data to a third party (e.g. the supplier organizing the game), we will definitely contact you in advance and coordinate all such actions with you.

We inform you that you can opt out of direct marketing at any time by clicking on the link provided in our newsletters and/or emails.

Personal data for the purpose of direct marketing is processed in accordance with Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR on the basis of your consent.
For the purpose of direct marketing: offers and other information related to our activities, organization of various contests, quizzes, polls, surveys.If you agree, we might contact you via call or a message to provide offers or related information.Personal data for the purpose of direct marketing is processed in accordance with Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR – on the basis of your consent.
Calculation of the results of votes organized on the websiteWebsite visitors who opt-in to receiving direct marketing offers are given the opportunity to express their opinions on various matters in the "basketball fan community" section of the website, e.g., by voting, etc. For this purpose, after you enter your e-mail address, we check if we have it on our direct marketing mailing list. After you express your opinion, vote, etc., your e-mail address is not published on the website.Personal data for the specified purpose is processed in accordance with Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR – on the basis of your consent, which is expressed when you enter your e-mail address when voting, submitting an opinion, commenting, etc.
The location (country/region) of the website‘s user is identified in order to provide the most suitable content for that locationThe system collects and saves user‘s IP address in order to provide the most suitable content for the country/region, and so it could be changed if the user changes devicesPersonal data is protected by GDPR 6 article 1 part F) – on the basis of legitimate interest

By submitting your personal data, you confirm that it is accurate and correct and that you are at least 16 years old. In order to ensure you provide accurate and correct data, we may authenticate your specified e-mail by asking you to confirm the e-mail address. However, in all cases, you are responsible for the accuracy and conformity of the data provided.





We will store your personal data for as long as necessary to achieve and implement the goals set out in this Privacy Policy.

We take all necessary measures to ensure that outdated or unnecessary personal data about you is not stored and that your personal data is constantly updated and correct.

We will use your personal data for the purpose of direct marketing for 3 (three) years after your consent or for 3 (three) years after the purchase of the product or service (direct marketing of similar services or products).





We implement organizational and technical measures responsibly to ensure the security of personal data, which help protect personal data from accidental or illegal destruction, alteration, disclosure or any other illegal processing. The security measures we have implemented include the protection of personnel, information, IT infrastructure, internal and public networks, office buildings and technical equipment.

In the event of a breach of personal data security which could pose a significant threat to your rights or freedoms, we will inform you immediately.





We may share some of your personal data with the following categories of third parties:

  • any Avia Solutions Group company (listed at the following link: for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy (providing direct marketing offers);
  • the joint data controller (joint data controllers, as this concept is understood in Article 26 of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation)) of the "Basketball holding company" AB (company number 305722828, address Ozo g. 14, LT-08200 Vilnius, phone number +370 6721 5621, e-mail, for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy (providing direct marketing offers). An agreement is made between the Joint Controllers, in which the Joint Controllers transparently determine their respective responsibility for the fulfilment of the obligations established in accordance with the Regulation, and define the relevant actual functions and relations of Joint Controllers with respect to data subjects. At the written request of the data subject, the data subject is given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the essential provisions of this agreement. The data subject can exercise their rights as established in the Regulation in relation to each of the data controllers.
  • companies providing data centres, hosting, cloud, website administration and related services, companies creating, providing, supporting and developing software, companies providing information technology infrastructure services and companies providing communication services;
  • our professional advisors, auditors, legal and/or financial advisors;
  • our other service providers (data processors) or our subcontractors;
  • companies providing advertising and marketing services;
  • state institutions, bodies, etc., according to the procedure provided by law;
  • law enforcement authorities at their request or at our initiative if there are suspicions that a criminal act has been committed, as well as to courts and other dispute resolution institutions; tax administrators;
  • a third party acquiring the business and processing personal data for the same purposes as specified in this Privacy Policy, in cases of company restructuring, transfer/acquisition and/or business transfer/acquisition.





Generally, your personal data will be processed in the European Economic Area (hereinafter referred to as the EEA) countries. However, in certain cases, your personal data may be transferred to countries outside the EEA. We remind you that personal data stored outside the EEA may be subject to less protection than that stored within the EEA, but we carefully assess the conditions under which such data will be subsequently processed and stored after transfer to the entities mentioned above.

Please note that if the European Commission has decided that the relevant third country, territory or one or more specified sectors in that third country, or the relevant international organization ensures an adequate level of personal data protection, the transfer takes place in the same manner as within the EEA. You can find information about the countries on which the decision of the European Commission has been made at the following link:

In other cases, we take all necessary measures to ensure your personal data is transferred to recipients who safely process personal data. The means:

  • we ensure the contract made with a non-EEA recipient of personal data includes specific conditions regarding the secure processing of personal data;
  • in certain transfer cases, we ask for your consent to transfer your data outside the EU or EEA.





We guarantee the implementation of these rights and the provision of any related information upon your request or inquiry:

  • to know (be informed) about the processing of your personal data;
  • to get familiar with the personal data that we process;
  • to demand correction, addition or clarification of incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete personal data;
  • to demand the destruction of personal data when it is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected;
  • to demand the destruction of personal data if it is processed illegally or when you withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data or have not given the necessary consent;
  • to disagree with the processing of personal data or withdraw previously given consent;
  • to demand to see, if it is technically possible, any personal data collected in accordance with your consent or for the purposes of contract performance, in an easy-to-read format, or to request that it be forwarded to another data controller.

To exercise your rights, send us a request by e-mail:, or by post to: Ozo g. 14, LT-08200 Vilnius.

After receiving your request, we may ask you to provide documents confirming your identity or other information that allows us to determine your identity, in order to make sure we implement your rights as a data subject and avoid unauthorized disclosure of personal data or information to other persons who do not have the right to receive it. In the absence of possibilities to determine your identity, we will not be able to fulfil your rights as a data subject.

We provide information about the processing of your personal data free of charge. If your request is unreasonable, repetitive or disproportionate, we may impose a fee corresponding to our administrative costs.

After receiving your request, we will respond to you no later than 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of your request and submission of all documents required for the response. In special circumstances where we may need additional time, the response deadline may be extended by another two months depending on the complexity of the situation. In such a case, it is mandatory to inform the Data Subject in writing about such an extension and indicate the reason(s) for the delay within 1 (one) month from receipt of the request. If we deem it necessary, we will stop the processing of your personal data, except for storage, until your request is resolved. If you legally withdraw your consent, we will immediately and no later than 30 calendar days stop the processing of your personal data, except for the cases provided for in this Privacy Policy and established by law, i.e., when we are required to continue processing your personal data by valid legal acts, legal obligations incumbent upon us, court decisions or mandatory instructions given to us by authorities. The response will be given in the same format as your request was received.

If we refuse to comply with your request, we will clearly indicate the reason for such refusal.

If you believe that our processing of personal data does not comply with data protection legislation, you also have the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority (list of supervisory authorities by country: In all cases, we recommend that you contact us before making a formal complaint so that we can find a fair solution.





From time to time, we may expand or reduce the scope of our business operations, which may mean selling all or part of the business and/or transfer of control. All personal data provided by you will be transferred together with the transferred part of the business, but the new owner or controlling party will be obliged to process your personal data only for the purposes and conditions specified in this Privacy Policy.





Our websites may contain links to other websites that are not managed by BC Wolves, VšĮ. We do not control how your data is collected, stored or used by such other websites and we advise you to check the privacy policies of all such websites before submitting your data to them.





When you visit social networks, your information is processed by the specific social network, and we start processing your personal data when you visit us on social networks. Through various social media channels, we want to introduce you to our wide range of services/products and exchange ideas and opinions with you on important topics.

Personal data provided via social networks is processed for the following purposes:

  • to communicate with our social network visitors;
  • to respond to visitors' requests;
  • to obtain statistical information;
  • to conduct customer surveys, marketing campaigns, market analysis, lotteries, contests or similar actions or events;
  • to defend the company's legitimate interests in institutions if necessary, and in other cases.

Unless clearly stated otherwise, the legal basis for data processing is Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR. Our legitimate interests are to be able to respond to your inquiries or questions and to analyse our reach in social networks, and to present our products and services.

If we intend to process your personal data for any other purpose not mentioned above, we will inform you in advance.

Our pages on social networks are managed by specific social networks, so when you visit them, personal data is processed based on the privacy policies of those social networks. With some social networks, depending on the social network's policy, and the purposes and scope of their data processing, we are considered joint data controllers.

Social network name and privacy policyPersonal data we processPersonal data that we process as joint data controllers


You can read their privacy policy by clicking here:


You can read their privacy policy by clicking here:


You can read their privacy policy by clicking here:

YouTube, Google Ads, Google Analytics

You can read their privacy policy by clicking here:

  • Your username when you comment or send messages to us;
  • Your activity on our website, e.g. your visits to the website, duration statistics, request and comment information, etc.
We use statistical information (visits to our website, range of posts, visits and average duration of video transmissions, information about the countries and cities from which our visitors come, etc.) We receive anonymous statistical data from Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and Google Ads through their services.





We reserve the right to unilaterally change this Privacy Policy (for example, if laws change or operations are launched or changed). Any changes will be posted on our website immediately. We recommend checking them regularly.

This Privacy Policy is applicable from the date of its publication on the website. The Privacy Policy was last revised on February 2nd, 2022. If you continue to use the services provided by us (e.g., the website) after the changes to the Privacy Policy, you are deemed to have accepted the amended Privacy Policy.